
Hello my readers sekalian! Dah lama ak menghilang. Sejak 2016 kot. Setahun dah. So novel novel aku, aku take down semua buat sementara waktu. Tak nak la korang tercongok menunngu update yg tak tiba right? Aku pun kesian jugak. So the easiest way is to take down those babies. Yup, there wont be any novels from me for a while. But i promise you all, after editing and such. I will publish it around next year la. Got a penting examination.I promise *finger crossed*. Cheerios! 


Hello my readers sekalian! Dah lama ak menghilang. Sejak 2016 kot. Setahun dah. So novel novel aku, aku take down semua buat sementara waktu. Tak nak la korang tercongok menunngu update yg tak tiba right? Aku pun kesian jugak. So the easiest way is to take down those babies. Yup, there wont be any novels from me for a while. But i promise you all, after editing and such. I will publish it around next year la. Got a penting examination.I promise *finger crossed*. Cheerios! 


Yo Zack, I'm Muslim too! Late Eid Mubarak!


@Mazerunner2014 sorry for the really really late reply. NO, i don't have Skype. btw, i need to tell u about sarah_harries. can we talk in private


lol u should see our conversation on Skype! We're crazy. Hey, do u have Skype?


@Mazerunner2014 Na.. It's okay. . Mazlin Jazmie? yes i do! yup, she's cool. she's my bestfriend. real bestfriend. haha.


Dear miss no name1.
          Hai miss no name!! i love ur novel!! it's real fun! i'll be your fan of ur novel.  plezz keep updating. 
          and tolong jangan terlalu lama berehat plezz. huhu.
          sbab sye terlalu sukakan watak utama dlam novel awaq. saya tukar nama profile saye. haha.
          Your Fan
          RayyanEmir/Zulfan Ukasyah


@RayyanEmir18 hai! u are seriously memang lawak. ok ok. saye takkan berehat lama mana. haha. thank you btw.