
Me: Get out of the way, Isaac (my brother)
          	Mom: What's wrong with you?!
          	Me: A lot.
          	Mom: I know. 
          	Me: Then why'd you ask?
          	Safe to say I got smacked today 


Chat, I just wanted $25 gift card for Amazon, what should I buy with it?


@Miss_ChievousII ✨ jewelry ✨
            Cause we love a sparkly queen 


Listen, its April which is National Child Abuse Prevention month, if you guys are going through smtg PLEASE feel free to talk to me about it. I understand this topic well, though I'm not sexually or physically abused, I understand verbal from my own experience. I can help w physical and sexual abuse too, I've had many friends who have been sexually abused before, so I know how to talk to you. I just want you guys to know that you are loved and beautiful human beings inside and out!!! Goodbye my Sweet Potato Fries! 


Body Positivity; is it good?
          Welcome to "Random Rants with Layla!" The segment where Layla rants about her trauma and/or what she thinks should be common sense! 
          Body positivity is a great thing that people need to stop hating on, but we need to keep in mind that if you are to the size where you are having a hard time getting things done, moving, and breathing, then you need to do something about it.
          Diets are for YOU, to make YOU feel better both physically and emotionally.
          There are many times where people who have been in abusive house holds eat unhealthy childhood foods to cope. THIS IS OKAY TO DO!!!
          There are SO many people I've met who hate on that, but it's just apart of the healing process. 
          Don't take all sugar, carbs and meat out of your diet just because it will "help" 
          (which it won't, you'll just feel sad and worse),
          it's important to know that you can eat sweets and carbs, but there is always an unhealthy amount.
          People need to stop saying that it's "okay" to eat an entire wedding cakes worth of food, it's unhealthy for your body.
          Being healthy has nothing to do with what you look like, but what you feel like.
          -Remember you are beautiful wither you are 75lbs or 200lbs❤️


this message may be offensive
POV: you can't go to sleep becz your thinking about school, your hot health teacher (that you won't be able to see again except in the hallway becz your moving to a different class), and about how it wouldn't be THAT weird if you were to date him becz he's only 40... 
          I probably shouldn't be saying this shit because I'm a minor.  
          NOTE; I did NOT have any kind of 'relationship' w my teacher, I just thinks he's attractive 


this message may be offensive
So...hey. This is gonna be another ep of the famous show 'Random Rants with Layla!' So be prepared. Also! Trigger warning ⚠️ mention of SH! ⚠️
          I got diagnosed with depression and anxiety a couple weeks ago. My anxiety causes me to 'stim' a lot, most of the time I feel like I need to cut myself. It also has made my ED worse. I already have body dysmorphia, which makes me not want to eat, but this is worse to the point that I've lost almost 5 pounds in the last 4½ weeks. THAT'S NOT NORMAL. Now, Part of me likes this because I am over-weight for my age, but the other part knows this is unhealthy and that I should see somebody about it.
          My dad does not believe tho. I also have AdHd, which can sometimes make me VARY energetic and annoying. He doesn't believe in AdHd, anxiety or depression, he thinks it's all an act. HES definitely the biggest reason I'm so insecure. 
          This has gotten to the point that I don't even want to come home anymore, I would rather stay at school or with my friends. I get really excited when I have an after school thing to do because it means I can stay away from my dad longer. 
          Now, my dad wouldn't be considered abusive, he's just stupid when it comes to anything emotional. He is blunt. He has told me I have to lose weight countless times and has said stuff like "Layla, you cant wear ripped jeans or shorts, your too fat." Or "Layla, you cant wear crop-tops or swim suits, you too cubby". 
          I'm fine. I just need to find a way to get a therapist before I fucking tell at my dad. 
          P.S. Haileigh, (you know who you are) if you're reading this and have found my account, don't tell ANYONE about this. Forget this account exists, please. Thank you.