
          	hi, so I don't have a good excuse other than I had college, have depression, and unfortunately writer's block/slump from not writing for so long. I'm sorry for disappearing for so long and so often. Life has just been rough. Hoping to fix that soon if not, at some point 


          hi, so I don't have a good excuse other than I had college, have depression, and unfortunately writer's block/slump from not writing for so long. I'm sorry for disappearing for so long and so often. Life has just been rough. Hoping to fix that soon if not, at some point 


Sorry that I've been dropping off so often - I have college and was not smart when picking out my classes so I've got a lot to do at once so I'm trying my best to keep my grades up. Chapter 2 of p6 has been outlined just not written yet. 
          But it will be! I'm not gone yet, I promise 


this message may be offensive
So for some reason I just realized that in order to set P6 in 2023, I have to fuck with the timeline of other persona games and push them back a couple years for ages and events to line up congruently.
          I gave the book a set date because I wanted to have a concrete timeline to refer back to events and things that happen, but I am just no realizing things I probably should have realized earlier (I swear to God an outline for this).


Hello people still lingering around this page! I am currently rebranding a lot of my works (some more successful than others) and I was wondering if anyone would be interested in me reposting some of my works from AO3 here? 
          I'm typically more active there but since my persona obsession is starting to reignite alongside my Persona 6 rewrite, I'll be lurking around more often. Let me know if you're interested.
          So far, over there I've written for:
          -Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (obviously)
          -Some Original Works
          -The Millionaire Detective Balance: Unlimited
          -Boku No Hero Academia/My Hero Academia
          -Arcane/League Of Legends
          -Bungou Stray Dogs
          And more! Please, someone, let me know or I'll just simply work on my other series here and keep those worlds separate.

