
Heyy, would you like to do r4r? <33


@slave4you_ there's no rush. i really prefer someone taking their time rather than just skimming. makes for a more genuine experience for both parties. :)


yayy okayy, also it might take me sometime to read the book because i’m currently doing a lot of r4rs but dw I’ll read the whole book <33 


Hiiii! Yesss let’s do it ❤️


Ink of My Heart Chapter 6 will be out this Friday at 9 am EST :) 
          I know I said no TW in chapters but it's getting a bit spicy and just wanted to give a warning because I feel guilty. A lot of my R4R's are such wholesome and lovely stories, I feel like I'm tainting some of you lmao ;_; 
          I hope you enjoy!!! Besides some spiciness, lots of plot/character building and important details. This is a longer chapter, so again to my R4R's don't feel pressured to finish it all in one go, feel free to come back to it if needed <33333
          Hope everyone is having a great week so far!


@L_Starr HAHAHAH you’re right, what am I saying 


@theforestgreene thank you for the support and the lovely comments Astoria <333


@MissShanShan Lmaooo don't worry about the spicy stuff, I'm sure we all love a bit of spice in books. I mean, it is Wattpad LOL


Chapter 4 of "Ink of My Heart" is out tomorrow morning at 9am EST!
          Here is an excerpt: 
          "It was only then Adelia realized that Zayd's initial tenderness had merely been a prelude; a delicate and courteous overture to the passion that lay beneath."
          Follow my writing Instagram @missbingshan for more sneak peeks, aesthetics, and playlists! <3


A friendly reminder on genuine R4R's:
          I try to take my time with all my R4R stories. Once an agreement is made I really try my hardest to delve into every story, especially when jumping from a feel-good romance, to a dark romance, to a fantasy, to a timepiece, etc. immersion and focus is really needed.
          If you think it's not noticeable when your comments are 5 seconds apart and you read 4k words in 5 minutes - it is. :') No one is obligated to have their story read, and no one forces anyone to do R4R, but once you commit, I really do expect the same back! I know my chapters are long - feel free to come back to it if you need to stop halfway. I really do prefer that than you skimming the whole thing while I spend 30 mins reading yours ;_; 
          This isn't directed to any of my new R4R, I've actually wanted to address this for a while. 
          Thanks friends! I am enjoying all your stories so far and looking forward to reading more <333


@MissShanShan Me neither! I'm so interested by the description and visuals I've seen so far, and forbidden romance is always a winner for me :)


@L_Starr it is so disheartening when that happens!! You have been a genuine and kind r4r buddy and I’ve really enjoyed your story so far. I can’t wait for you to start my new book! I think it’s right up your alley with the time period, gives me a bit of the same vibes location/time period wise as yours <3


@MissShanShan This is so true, I do sometimes have to stop in the middle of reading chapters because I have a bad attention span, but it's crucial to me actually picking up most of the story instead of forgetting what I've read because I can't focus on the words.
            So many people have asked me to do a R4R and they just read the whole thing in 1 minute like... Huh?
            But seriously though, I just want to thank you because you're definitely one of my top R4R partners and I really love that you take the time to fully share your opinions on my work and my characters, I love seeing your comments! I'm really enjoying reading your book rn and I can't wait to take the time to start reading your new one!
            Good luck with everything <3


Hi, thank you for the follow back. ❤️
          Are you interested in doing R4R with me? I only have 3 chapters so far.
          Ink of my heart sounds like something right up my alley.


Thank you so much! It definitely needs parts deleted/edited so I hope it’s not too much.
            I’ll be getting yours today too once I get off of work. Can’t wait. ❤️❤️


Hi Violet!! I am! Your story is intriguing, up my alley as well. I can get started tonight <333