
I am so sorry for being totally absent and not writing. I've had a long time with being sick and it's been hindering me a lot. And, the doctors still haven't found out what's wrong with me


@My_Chemical-Elli Oh, I know of some people on here who listens to both of them and think they're good. And, I've been listening to SOAD for a good 8-9 years now :) They're amazing 


@My_Chemical-Elli That's nice. I discovered them when I was 12/13. But then again, I'm older than you, so I think that would be around the same time. But, since then, I've been a fan...A huge fan


@MissPamelaD Aw, sweet! I have literally met only two people that like them in real life, and only you on here. .-. my mom showed me Chop Suey! when I was around six, and since then, I'm a hug fan.