Aliza Carmona or known for her username MissEmpressWriter is a passionate writer. Genre is Romance and Comedy. Is a Fan of authors like J.K Rowling and Nicholas Sparks. Is an ultimate blogger and a k popper

Well if you are reading this then you are awesome because you found my profile. Well, i am a random and talkative kid. I am also a pantster not a plotter. Well, the things I right is pure imagination cause by day dreaming. Yes folks! I. Day. Dream. LoL. I do it A LOT!I also have a weird obsession with the anime Nurarihyon No Magoand Fairytail.


Race Series
•When Beauty Finds Beast (On Going)
•Completing You (On Hold)

Galvez Trilogy
•Capturing Moments (Under Major Editting)
•Stolen Moments (Coming Soon)
•Forgotten Moments (Coming Soon)

"Patience is Virtue but too much patience is Ginague."

Facebook: Aliza Carmona
Twitter: @Marvel Exotic
Instagram: alccarmie
  • Privet Drive: The Cupboard Under The Stairs
  • BergabungApril 1, 2014

Pesan Terakhir
MissEmpressWriter MissEmpressWriter Jan 25, 2017 10:50AM
I found many followers. I rubbed my eyes thinking i was dreaming. Haha. Lovelots!
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