
this message may be offensive
Hey guys! SO you've probably noticed a bunch of punctuation, spelling and grammar mistakes in the last few Loyalty chapters. That's because my dumbass decided to upload things before checking for editing mistakes, or theres even this one bit thats totally beta where i couldn't think of a word. Please be patient as I take a day or two to fix this and then reupload, hope ur enjoying it so far though!


this message may be offensive
Hey guys! SO you've probably noticed a bunch of punctuation, spelling and grammar mistakes in the last few Loyalty chapters. That's because my dumbass decided to upload things before checking for editing mistakes, or theres even this one bit thats totally beta where i couldn't think of a word. Please be patient as I take a day or two to fix this and then reupload, hope ur enjoying it so far though!


Hey guys!! At the moment I'm working on a rewrite of Valhalla's Silver Serpent!! I'm going to make some art for it and fix all my little plot holes and confusing loops. Sorry for the long hiatus on writing, I can assure you I have some unreleased started stories that I just need to fit in somewhere! Have  good day or night everyone!!


Ok, so I officially might need mental help XD. 118 anime characters, I lost count of how many unfinished books and severely lacking in a sleep routine. Anyone got any good book recommendations?? If ya can't sleep, stay up and read!


completely lost count!


I just looked at your profile and I love your bio! Now following you. Have a nice day! 


@ThatGayGirl139 Oh, Thanks so much! I followed back since you seem nice, have a nice day as well!