so like ive just come back from the literal dead--(and broken my not on wattpad streak). And its funny how i still thought of you from time to time even when I wasn't here. just wanted to drop a message just in case there's a rare chance you'll respond. i think we've all grown up and on a bit from kotlc and idk what else lol but i just remember you were a very great friend and person to talk to when no one else was around :) hope youre doing well... ik the fanfics i used to write aren't, haha. maybe i'll update them even after all this time... <3, ~SoSo

this message may be
@MirmackulousLadybug omg SO SORRY FOR RANTING I CANT STOP NOW AAA ok ill make this quick dw ashhfajdklfsajdf; and wHY they weren't good enough for me, which they way they phrased it which my other friends later showed me bc they were getting uncomfortable was REALLY kinda absolute bullshit (mind my language sorry i normally kinda curse in text but if you dont rly vibe w it lmk) and yeah. so VALENTINES DAY came and I open my locker and its just... yeah. And for context, prior to this they sent me a long long longgg text messsage, all in caps, cursing the heck outta me-- basically saying how I've been so mean and neglecting to them, and how they can't always take all my crap and can't always be a "****ing ball of sunshine" to me. whichh I found very insulting and other things they said and yeah so I cut tHAT relationship off myself.... which I'm kinda scared will haunt me this school year. aahsdfisdhfsdhfladhaisodjfio;awejfa;o BACK TO ACTUALLY RESPONDING TO WHAT YOU SAID... I'll totally be the friend to pull you out of your bitchyness if you'll do the same to me ahhaaha. warning I can be kinda blunt sometimes but its how I counsel all my friends :))) In the friend group ig I'm either the "quiet kid" or "the quiet person who actually is a hyper spastic human bean" or "the funny one"? maybe. YOU ARE NICE EVEN THOUGH I JUST TALK TO YOU HERE YOU SEEM LIKE A VERY NICE HUMAN BEAN DONT EVEN SAY THAT. Can you tell it's getting closer to evening/night where I live? probably. sorry for spamming you lol. I live in Eastern Time zone but I'm basically on the border to Central. Drive a few hours and yay I go back in time! I'm korean but born in america. So korean-american. definitely more american acting tho... 3rd or 4th generation here kinda forget. I have lighter skin but darker than some of my friends, dark brown hair, dark eyes. leaner athletic build I guess. Ugh always forget how tall I am... maybe same as you? Around there. Sorry again for spam. you're the best tho :)

@MirmackulousLadybug andd have to make another post. If anyone views your profile they're going to be fr mesmerized by all these conversation loll. yeah I agree. sorta have a temper and ive been told by my parents that I come across rude to some people. Or them. But yknow... kinda inevitable if they're yelling at you anyways. I don't have 'bad' parents, no their intentions are good. But sometimes our personalities clash, especially with my mom. And it really nerves me at how she says we're so similar when some of the... I suppose 'ways' she does things I can absolutely disagree or despise. No taking things for granted though. I'm glad I have a pretty stable family. I know growing up my parent didn't as much so I try not to wish for the things I don't have lmao. I've never rly had a true bestie where I can... yknow quote on quote "be myself". I had two in the past both at different times where I thought I could. The first one was elementary school to around 5/6th grade but then they suddenly cut off all connection w me w no reason. And when I tried texting them their response would be so dry. The last try I did was saying "happy birthday!" to them and all I got back was "thanks." Going back to onsite school didn't help so I just ignore them. They don't back talk me or anything, and some of our friends we share so I literally have no clue what happened. oh well. The other friend I met during elearning. We had similar interests and hobbies, so it was rly fun to be friends w them for a period of time. We got rly close and then well ok long story short they had/have a crush on me and I don't like them bacK (andd you can see where this is going.) They've actually liked me since 5th grade... but we cleared all of the unwanted vibes like by mid 6th grade. but 7th grade... yeah so turns out they STILL like me and sike they've been dm-ing all of my other friends asking them what they should do, how to get me to like them, why-- wow have to make another post hold on SORRY

@MirmackulousLadybug hi!! noo it's alright! hope you had fun at camp lol. havent been to many camps this summer but i remember the overnight ones ive gone to in the past and i can relate haha. yeahh sometimes i go to the fandom too! it really shocked me the first time bc of the fandom update thing and everything looked so... high tech. everyones still rly nice and funny tho some of the discussions are fun to scroll through Ooh for some reason I feel like you'd make a great editor hahah. Or author. Yess I will defnitely share any story ideas once I get a good one w you. Being a physical therapist sounds inspiring too! I havent gotten injured w any of my sports yet (prob just jinxed myself lol) but it'd probably be a great career for you especially if you love seeing and caring for people. The idea sounds rly nice but tbh I don't think i'd be cut for it... I'd probably be the patient more realistically lmao. I can see how youre extroverted! I used to defnitely be a social butterfly (used to have a shirt that said that... i cant believe it now lol) and i bet i still am somewhere inside. Used to be the one to beat all the boys up in elementary school and ppl im friends w now said they wanted to talk to me but thought i was intimidating * cries *. I guess now I've found other things that've made more of a priority than that haha. At night though... well haven't been to a sleepover in years but i am definitelyy a night owl. If I'm not sleep deprived from school sometimes I feel like I''m more awake when I'm supposed to be sleeping. Probably why I respond to all my friends during that time ahhaha. And yes i totally get what you are saying w friends. And if you hangout w the socially out casted ppl the popular ppl get like sus of you or something I dont know. A vibe gives off... or at least w me. Ahh and agreed I love them both though. I feel like this mixture of "not supposed to be this popular but am" and "kinda supposed to be socially outcasted but not" thing.