
          	Currently finishing up my summer school endeavours.


HOLD. They will be updated by the end of this week. Adding in some sweet moments between KASLAN!


          Lanying Kir-Zhengyi and Kasper Brekker, my two OC inserts into the Shadow and Bone TV series (Bound Together) are now going to get their story expanded upon in the Six of Crows Fanfic I have been working on for so long now. 
          ---> Titled: Compassion. 
          It will navigate through their story during Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom. 
          The Disclaimer, Cast, Aesthetics, Prologue, Part one banner and Chapter one will be released tomorrow at 12pm EDT. 
          I'm excited to share this with you. I hope you are all excited enough to continue the journey with Lanying and Kasper (Kaslan)


“They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:  Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. 
          At the going down of the sun and in the morning
          We will remember them.
          -Laurence Binyon, For the Fallen
          We shall remember those who gave their lives and paid the ultimate price for freedom. 
          Lest we forget 


Calling all witches and wizards! 
          Raise your wands for the brilliant Helen McCrory who passed away yesterday. ❤️
          (Forever my Narcissa (Cissy) Malfoy) 
          --> MY favourite scene of her was where she fooled the dark lord in the forbidden forest. What is your favourite scene of her?


I was wondering if you had ever considered trying to post your poetry on other sites? or on social media? Because I read it and loved it, with some music it just hits you in the feels.


Yeah I’ve been thinking about it. I love to write poetry especially when I get the inspirations for it. I’m glad you like my poetry, which one was your favourite?


Thanks for adding 'Daughter of Rohan' to your reading list! I hope you love it. Don't forget to leave some votes if you do and I'd love to hear what you think in the comments! 
          And if you're interested, I do also have a second Lord of the Rings story from the same series called "Daughter of Mirkwood". 
          Thanks again, and I’m excited to hear from you!! 
          Happy Reading!


That's wonderful! And you're very welcome. I hope you'll consider leaving some votes and comments. I'd love to hear what you think! And definitely consider checking out the companion story if you enjoyed so much! 
            Thanks again!


I loved it! It was amazing. Thank you for writing such a wonderful story. There aren’t many completed Éomer stories out there so thank you for wiring it. You made me cry and somehow laugh at the same time. 


I know many of you might be to why I unpublished all my works well, that is because of wattpad’s new policy about original works. I am unsure of what that means and since I only write fan fiction for now, I don’t know if that is original work. It is my work and my own spin to my favorite books, but they still follow the general plot line of those movies and books. So I have made the decision to unpublish all my works until I can post my own “Original work” which is in the process of being created. 


Update: Unfortunately, fanfiction is not actually allowed to be published unless I have the author's permission or the company that made the movie, so therefore, all my fanfictions are unpublished. I'm sorry. But stay tuned for my own original work about figure skating that is based off my own experiences as a figure skater. It will encompass all the hard work that goes into it but I also want to carry on my broken dream in the form of a story. (I quit figure skating because it was so demanding, but I still love it.) So that's why I'm writing this original work.


Shall I post my fanfic about Anne of Green gables? It’s a Gilbert Blythe love story that follows the 1985 version with Jonathan Crombie and Megan follows. There were a lot of AWAE versions, but my ultimate favourite is the 1985 version so would anyone like me to post my book?