
I now have an instagram twats.It's also named regenade_auroxe like my 2nd acc


@MiraculousQuartz halp, i cant find it :/


Guys,I'm going to ask you:How young can someone be suicidal. My sister is currently a kindergartner who just got slapped by my mom for losing a milk bottle cap.After,she took the dish soap and hesitantly almost drank it although I stopped her.We can stop this if we start showing them that milk cap isn't worth the trouble. We can take care of ourselves too.We are the kids' role models after all


@tabbyalastor maybe you're right.Me and my sister's phone use the same google account,and I've been seeing elsa and spiderman clickbait vids on my recommended lately.Oh boy this is gunna be one heck of a problem


@MiraculousQuartz  through the eyes of little kid, getting struck by someone or somebody they love or something is a really big deal, Im actually pretty surprised parents still slap their child as punishment, but this can still be a good thing, it teaches her to cherish even small things and not to take advantage. But going as far to down a bottle of soap? Oh honey she gotta be watching some horrible junk online, monitor what she is watching... But maybe she wasnt being suicidal? Children can be extreme troublemakers  when struck by an overwhelming emotion. maybe she just suddenly thought "hey, what if i drink this? will mommy stop being mad?" 
            Still, there has got to be something that she watched that influenced her to do this or heard? 
            Damn this message is long lol


hey flat ass 


Quartzy can I do that 30-day challenge you posted?


@tabbyalastor Salty tabs, back against


@tabbyalastor well then....
            what in the world did I just witnessed