
Please support my works. Thank you. 


Hi, I just finished writing this book and I don't know if it will interest you. If not and I somehow offended you by messaging you then I'm sorry, but if I didn't, I hope you enjoy. The book's called The Elementorial. Thank you for your time. ʕ•̬͡•ʔ


Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established.
          Proverbs 16:3
          When we "commit" our works unto God, it means that we are lining up the activities of our life to match God's teaching. Every "work" we do should reflect what we have learned from God's word. Our actions should reflect our faith. When we do that, we can be assured that the plans we have for our lives match God's plan for us. We begin to move in the divine will of God, which will always be the right way.
          Father, Keep me in Your will. Let my actions follow my faith. Let my life be a reflection of Your teaching. Amen.



Ty sm luv! ❤️