
Hey, this feels weird writing on here since its been so long but hope everyone's decent. 
          	I apologize for not continuing the updates for my fanfiction/fanfictions, specifically Ascended City. I kinda wanna redo it, rewrite the story of Minx, Hux and Kylo. Not that I don't like how it all went, but I kinda wanna just redo it, ya know? If I decide to, I cannot promise daily or frequenct updates, still considering if I wanna do it. Anyways, hope ya'll doing alright.


Hey, this feels weird writing on here since its been so long but hope everyone's decent. 
          I apologize for not continuing the updates for my fanfiction/fanfictions, specifically Ascended City. I kinda wanna redo it, rewrite the story of Minx, Hux and Kylo. Not that I don't like how it all went, but I kinda wanna just redo it, ya know? If I decide to, I cannot promise daily or frequenct updates, still considering if I wanna do it. Anyways, hope ya'll doing alright.


TW: Abuse mentioned 
          Hey ya'll, I know I'm barely active but wanted to update you guys on whats been going on. 
          I don't talk about my life very often on here except to ForeverDirectioner but even then it's rare, so don't bother her on it please. 
          I lived in a VERY toxic household, and I won't go unto details on it but I'm no longer living there. My parents kicked me out over something extremely small that could've honestly just been talked about, however, my parents are those kinds who don't care how old I am. 
          With that being said, my mother broke my phone but thankfully I have a new one and I'm safe. I'll be moving to a different state soon. 
          ForeverDirectioner is one of the reasons I stay sane, I've been rereading her question books and getting a kick and a few laughs in, shaking my head at my writing and getting new ideas. 


@ForeverDirectioner73 You've always impacted my life in a good way. I'm forever grateful for you, thank you so much 


@MinxCoda i am literally in tears. I can't believe what an impact I have on your life :') I am so happy you're out of there. You are going to be so much better in life, even if it's going to be rough for a while. You got this girl <3 I'm always here if you need me 


@ForeverDirectioner73 Thank you, we don't talk often but I appreciate you and your amazing writing. Never stop. 


Tbh Kylo x Minx is Kylo being a dick to her which hides his true feelings and she gets enough of it then confronts him which leads to an emotional argument then he kisses her which shocks her to the point she’s blushing hard while processing what just happened 


Minx’s friend: “Minx, I know you’re very smart and educated in politics and war tactics but GODS SAKE use your head and logic” 
          Minx: “Ok” *Head butts person who tested her patience and made her mad* 
          Her friend: “I- THATS NOT EVEN CLOSE TO WHAT I MEANT” 
          Hux: “I’m more in love with my girlfriend than I ever have been” 
          Kylo: *Realizes how hard she head butted that person* “How the force are you not out cold right now” 


@MinxCoda “How the force are you not out cold right now” XD


@ForeverDirectioner73 i don’t know how to make memes but god I want to just for this


@MinxCoda you could meme this tbh it's that good


I’m holding back the urge to write a fanfic of Kylo and Minx I’m enraged 
          They would be just as aggressive towards each other as they are now 


@MoonNotMoonie I really want to tbh, been thinking on how it would go along. 


@MinxCoda Do iitt! I would totally read it!