
Hey there my little biscuits! I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but as of today, I will NOT be posting any more YouTube High School AU fanfictions. That includes any of the ones I am currently working on. Why? Well, life sucks (as usual) and honestly, YouTubers change all the time so I can't keep up. As for the Phoniex Drop Boarding School, I am going to drop it as Aph is already doing her own freaking High School AU stuff and I, as a writer, cannot try to make my own story out of what is already going to be set in stone (yes im weird). I will aslo be deleting some other works, such as the Steven Universe Fan fic I was working on and left to rot. However, I will post some shorts of YouTube High School AUs when I am bored to Mine High (amazing I know), not to mention I had had a bolt of inspiration hit me and I will be updating that Adventure Time Fan fic I posted a while back. If you have any suggestions as to what my next project should be, comment or whatever. Love you and thanks for reading this Hella long update! (as long as some chapters I post, wowza!)


Hey there my little biscuits! I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but as of today, I will NOT be posting any more YouTube High School AU fanfictions. That includes any of the ones I am currently working on. Why? Well, life sucks (as usual) and honestly, YouTubers change all the time so I can't keep up. As for the Phoniex Drop Boarding School, I am going to drop it as Aph is already doing her own freaking High School AU stuff and I, as a writer, cannot try to make my own story out of what is already going to be set in stone (yes im weird). I will aslo be deleting some other works, such as the Steven Universe Fan fic I was working on and left to rot. However, I will post some shorts of YouTube High School AUs when I am bored to Mine High (amazing I know), not to mention I had had a bolt of inspiration hit me and I will be updating that Adventure Time Fan fic I posted a while back. If you have any suggestions as to what my next project should be, comment or whatever. Love you and thanks for reading this Hella long update! (as long as some chapters I post, wowza!)


*clears throat*
          ..... I'm fine.
          If any of you have a request of a fanfic y'all would like me to write, I'd be more than willing to oblige. 
          Anything really. SU, *coughgarrmaucough*, AT, OHSHC.. Just let me get to know it if I dont.


Sorry I haven't updating, I've been really busy with just everything and planning a quince so I've been really stressed out. Hopefully I can post the next chapter of Mine High later this week. Also, comment anywhere on my stuff with a concept for a new fan fiction or story I should write! *throws zebra cakes* look em up.