
So. I see my lastest story hasn't been getting much love :(. The first chapter was a sort of filler so please stick in for the second I promise it's better!


Its good


It will be posted at 11:30 ES time


So. I see my lastest story hasn't been getting much love :(. The first chapter was a sort of filler so please stick in for the second I promise it's better!


Its good


It will be posted at 11:30 ES time


Hey guys! You know the book I've been talking about making?!? Well, I've written a couple chapters and I will be releasing the first one at 8:30. So this is the first drama genre I have ever written, except for prompts and such in school. But, I have a good feeling. So please comment, vote, and follow, AND ENJOY! :) (also I will be releasing my story on what happened the other day so look out for that too!)  


Hey guys! I just wanted to tell all of you that I'm really, truly back. And I will never go away again I promise! I will write a whole chapter on my latest story "This Means War" going into full detail about what happened. Also go follow @BluTaxes because he is my savior and this account would be gone without him! ( also his stories are hella awesome XD ) <3 •3• ~ MintBerri (the real one XD) 


                                  COMIC CON?!? 
          Heyyyy all you peeps in the club!  Anyway. I'm excited to announce that I may be attenting ComicCon! In Philadelphia. So. I have know I dea what it will be called this year, but. Last year it was called WizardCon? Well for all of my peeps on the East coast. I will attempt to be attending this convention in 2016! Whenever it is. 
          More details will be given out as the date comes nearer but, for now I need help on one thing! I will be cosplaying as a character from FNAF! So here is voting time! Which character would you like me to be? Comment here and I will choose. Only girl characters please! With the exception of Foxy cause I will be able to change that into a girl. Plus he's Bæ! Anyway. You guys vote and I will update soon! I love you guys!
          <3 ~ •3• MintBerri


OMG GUYS! I just posted the first chapter of "This Means War" I'm super excited for it! Please go read it! Even if you hadn't read "Recovery" that book was optional! I love you guys so much and I can't wait to see what you think!!!