
Hey guys, it’s been a while yeah? Well get this, I’ve matured a lot in my writing and I wanted to try out my style of writing with my recent work that’s been floating in my brain. Give it a read and lemme know if I should continue? 
          	Love you guys, 
          	~ Em xx 


Hey guys, it’s been a while yeah? Well get this, I’ve matured a lot in my writing and I wanted to try out my style of writing with my recent work that’s been floating in my brain. Give it a read and lemme know if I should continue? 
          Love you guys, 
          ~ Em xx 


Okay, so I am so sorry for being AWOL for the past... way too long. I know I seem crappy for not updating, but this book has fallen a lot, I'm actually going over it and editing the crap out of it. I originally started this book almost a year ago, since then I have matured in my writing style and other wise. So I read my book and was like wtf is this? So I decided I'm going to be rebuilding it basically. This is going to take a long time, I'm trying to make this book the best I can. I'm alos working on other book that's pretty genius if you ask me, but that wont be posted till I finished Killer Desire. I love all of you and the support I get from you guys! During the school year updates will be very few, I'm taking all AP courses and I cheer so that's eating away at my social life, haha. I'm glad you guys haven't given up on me. 
          All The Love,
          ~ Em xx


I know most of my followers are from Killer Desire, but I would love it if you guys gave my new book a chance. I'm really feeling this one and I already have everything planned out so  no long waits like with Chapter 11 of Killer Desire. Im still sorry about that >.< 
          But please give my new book a read, it's only chapter one but I'm working on both books right now. 
          All the love, 
          ~ Em xx


Chapter 11 is finally posted! Sorry for the long wait, writers block can be a really big pain. But I'm trying to put my books on a schedule so expect an update on both Sincerely, Me and Killer Desire sometime next week!! 
          All the love, 
          ~ Em xx


Okay I obviously missed something. ALMOST 20K!?!?! Thank you guys so much! By the way, all of your comments make my day, they always make me smile and laugh. An update is in view, I've been struggling, juggling too many things at once. Sorry guys. But I promise you it will be there! 
          Yours always,
          ~ Em xx


Holy Crap by the way guys! Freaking almost 13K!?!? 
          Guys this made me cry, I never thought that the book would ever get this far, I was actually thinking of just dropping the book. But your guys comments make me laugh and I personally hate it when a book is really good and the author just drops the book. So I won't drop this book just for you guys! 
          I love you guys! 
          ~ Em xx


Sorry about the whole issue with chapter 4, I was updating it and my computer at home is mentally challenged I guess because it didn't save anything. So the chapter is now actually up and you can actually read it lmao. 
          Love you guys!
          ~ Em xx


So uhm.. *clears throat* 7 freaking thousand reads! Also, Also, I updated! The next chapter is going to funny and kind of an up lifter depending on your view and who you stand with. Hope you guys enjoy chapter 10!!
          ~ Em xx