
This one is...close to my heart at the moment. A piece of me to you, I guess. It's been so long and here I am again. 


Hi everyone! So I'm gonna try to work on my Just Write It story but in the meantime I'm leaving wattpad writing wise. I suppose that's what I've been doing for the past few months but I'm just making it official. I won't be writing for a long while. Hopefully I'll come back with a new story soon, but for now I have no muse and no inspiration. 
          Thanks for understanding,


Hi everyone! So I know I've been MIA in the writing world but I pledged to Just Write It and I'm writing a short story for the month of May. I hope to post it soon and maybe, just maybe, it'll give me the push to start writing again. :)


hey guys...So I've started writing a new story but I'm not 100% certain if I want to post it here. If you would read it can you please reply to this post? If i don't get more than 5 people I won't post it until its done and edited and in the best state it can be in. Which could take a while. So please help me out...would you read my new story? It's about people that live on Mars and are having an oxygen shortage so they have to wear these gas masks 24/7...


@Applenice607 sure I'll read it! *comes back from the dead* totally forgot I had a wattpad


@Applenice607 yes i would totally read it!!