
I'm back, but I have so many stories in the works I'm not sure which to put out first!


@Mightnever My vote will forever and always be Head in the Clouds


Hi everyone! It's been so long since I've actually written! I've been working really hard on this book and planned to upload all the chapters at once in a couple of months when I was finished, but I wanted to at least give a sneak peek. If you guys want me to upload more chapters (I have a bunch saved) then let me know. In the meantime enjoy!


I'm back everyone! It's been a rough few weeks of trying to rediscover my characters and draft new storylines with them, but not I think I know where this story is going. I have a clearer idea of what I want for characters like Deidre and Allioni, but I'm still working out which way I want Prince Clyde and Carter to sway. 
          I do know however know where Asa, Ko, and Bellamy's story is going. On top of all that, I now have a much greater grasp of their world and universe. Also, this chapter may not be as polished because I wanted to get it out there ASAP.
          Thank you for all the support and understanding you've given me while I work this out. Now, please enjoy the newest chapter of 'Head in the Clouds'.