
this message may be offensive
Hello.Midnight here. I have just had to delete a post that I just had the misfortune to look at. If you are here to showcase another website that is no link whatsoever to Wattpad, please kindly fuck off. I do not care for ‘neobook’, it is not in my interest to join. You can promote your books here if you would like to. But please do not post about neobook, if your book is on there kindly post it somewhere else. Thank you.


this message may be offensive
Hello.Midnight here. I have just had to delete a post that I just had the misfortune to look at. If you are here to showcase another website that is no link whatsoever to Wattpad, please kindly fuck off. I do not care for ‘neobook’, it is not in my interest to join. You can promote your books here if you would like to. But please do not post about neobook, if your book is on there kindly post it somewhere else. Thank you.