
The return of "What if?" AUs!
          	I have decided to, along side the discovery of a Roblox game that reignited the motivation to continue with zombie related AUs, create a "What if?" AU of Sudrain Zombie Epidemic. The question this time is "What if Ivan and Tai were around during/in Sudrain Zombie Epidemic?" I mentioned some of the changes revolving around the two in the description of the "What if?" AU for said AU.
          	Sorry for any inconvenience.


The return of "What if?" AUs!
          I have decided to, along side the discovery of a Roblox game that reignited the motivation to continue with zombie related AUs, create a "What if?" AU of Sudrain Zombie Epidemic. The question this time is "What if Ivan and Tai were around during/in Sudrain Zombie Epidemic?" I mentioned some of the changes revolving around the two in the description of the "What if?" AU for said AU.
          Sorry for any inconvenience.


Hi, haven't heard from you in a while. Have you got any Sodor Au edit requests for me? Max: Five. What I hope for: Some character as Some character from Some Sodor Au.


@MichaelOwens296, Ok. If you have any, I'll be waiting.


@goldwritter2001 I've been a bit busy, and I can't think of any requests right now


Update on Tales of U.S.T.A. Railways!
          I have decided that, to help break out of a writing block for the stories I have currently, to try and restart Tales of U.S.T.A. Railways with a section focusing on the early days (2020-2022) of the U.S.T.A.. Primarily focusing on the First US-U.S.T.A. War and two months beforehand. I have also decided to add an familiar character from a certain TTTE fan horror story to my headcanon with a completely original backstory. I will credit the original creator of the OC, and let ya guess who it is ;)
          Sorry for any inconvenience.


Announcement regarding The Sudrain Multiverse War:
          I have decided to rewrite and restructure The Sudrain Multiverse War. First, it definitely needs a rewrite, as the writing quality is not very good. Second, I realized that I'll need to separate the different stories to de-clutter the AU.
          I'm sorry for any inconvenience


Announcement! New AU:
          I have decided, due lack of motivation and an ongoing writers block, to temporarily suspend development of The Sudrain Multiverse War, Sudrain Zombie Epidemic, and the rewrite of The End of Sodor-U.S.T.A. Co Universe. THEY WILL NOT BE CANCELED, JUST PUT ON HOLD!
          I've also decided to create a new Sodor AU. I haven't thought of a name yet. However, it will be a smaller-scale one, focusing on #33 and E2 exploring Sodor after communications in-between the Island of Sodor and the rest of the world was lost, and BoCo unexpectedly shows up in the U.S.T.A. battered and brused, but alive.
          Sorry for any inconvenience.


Announcement Regarding Tales of U.S.T.A. Railways.
          I have decided to put E2 the Electric Engine on hold as I've both lost interest and cab think of any way to continue it. I'll start the next story, The Tales of U.S.T.A. Railways: 2024 soon, with the "story" focusing on events in my headcanon (MO-HC) mainly concerning the U.S.T.A that happened in 2024. Story 3 will focus on the next few years, and I've decided to move Elmira's story to be either the 4th or 5th one instead of the 6th. Lastly, after Elmira's story, I'll skip ahead to the Second Sand War for the 6th one.
          Sorry for any inconvenience


I have modified My Headcanon Explanations!
          I have decided to go back and look over some of the older shite in My Headcanon Explanations and decided to cut the Magic Railroad entirely, along with change the section involving Donald and Douglas's liveries to instead include general information about Sodor's Scottish Twins.
          Sorry for any inconvenience!


New OC Announcement!
          I have created a new OC for MO-HC and The USTA Order. His name is Cole, and he'sban EMD GM GT26 sent to Algeria in the late 2010s during a 60 locomotive order of his class. You can find out more about him in My Headcanon Explanations section "My OCs"
          Sorry for any inconvenience