
Yes hail
          	Hail the great...  Yuri!


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I have had it with these moral crusaders on twitter, discord or wherever. People who throw serious allegations on others for nothing more than fiction or fictional characters are lower than dirt in my eyes. Imagine being such a fucking whiny bitch that you dedicate your entire life to destroy a person for either a political opinion or liking a fucking video game or god forbid, drawing NSFW. Most of these moral crusaders are children who are raised by the internet or adults who haven't grown out of their infancy, and can't separate fiction from reality but only when it comes to sexual things while carpet bombing arabs is a joke to them. It's also another reason why I urge people to keep their internet presence private, because you never know if a lobotomized westerner will make it their life goal to label you the worst thing possible. (If your online presence is not related to your real life in any way, then you've got nothing to worry about.) Imagine bullying someone to suicide over drawings or playing a game and still thinking you're the hero. That's the kind of mindset those idiots have. "I can't do no wrong because these people are worse" is a justification to cover up their own shitty behavior and feel nothing about it. 90% of the time, if they do all that shit, they themselves are not good people and are most likely to be what they accuse others of.
          Also, posting evidence online for clout is not the same as reporting it to the police as some morons think.
          Also, happy easter.


@MeradTaki Worried? More like pissed off. If I gotta fight for my nation, I will.


@Mg0MH98 You might be worried that that kind will expand even more as, you well know, most of people are like that.
            How do you expect to fight such phenomena if nothing is being done against it ?


@MeradTaki Not sure, but in the future, I predict their kind will go extinct. All this moralizing will only ruin society further, seeing how if their actions don't get called out/punished, there will be riots from either the victims or the Antis when things don't go their way.


The more I learn about the Roman empire and the Byzantines (Eastern Rome) it makes me wonder what if the empire survived? It really is one of the greatest human tragedies if not the greatest.
          King of Kings, help the hing
          mercy, mercy, Heavenly God
          Konstantinos Dragatsis Paleologos
          by the grace of God
          Emperor of Romans


@Mg0MH98 If had survived then it would have had a much bigger impact on western civilization than it ever did before.


When it comes to Mad Max (the game) it's a shame it never got a sequel. I feel like it suffered the same design flaw as end game terraria, where after moon lord you got nothing to do. No NG+, no replayability options - nothing. Terraria has modding support so it's still alive but Mad Max? It's mainly forgotten and that's a shame.


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Hey, is it considered cringe and stalking that I spent an entire fucking day trying to find your account? Your stories gave me a good laugh. I needed to see that again.


No. Stalking is different, and you just want to read my stories, so I see no problem there.