
Don't think I ever mentioned this, but I took a trip to Hawaii this past week. Just got home yesterday. It was a nice experience. Weather was good, sights were amazing, but prices were awful for about everything but given their main source of income is Tourism and just about everything has to be imported in, I can understand. Would still never pay 6 bucks for a single slice of pizza though.
          	I'd love to go in depth about my trip there, but I'd be unable to given the amount of characters I have in a single message. Chapter 3 of The Sinnoh Shitshow will be out later. And stay tuned for something... "new" in the next few weeks.


Don't think I ever mentioned this, but I took a trip to Hawaii this past week. Just got home yesterday. It was a nice experience. Weather was good, sights were amazing, but prices were awful for about everything but given their main source of income is Tourism and just about everything has to be imported in, I can understand. Would still never pay 6 bucks for a single slice of pizza though.
          I'd love to go in depth about my trip there, but I'd be unable to given the amount of characters I have in a single message. Chapter 3 of The Sinnoh Shitshow will be out later. And stay tuned for something... "new" in the next few weeks.


this message may be offensive
I’ve had this in the backk of my mind for a while, but lately it’s been really nagging me so out with this. 
          Black Heart from my perspective is a… mess. Admittedly when I first started writing it, I didn’t plan it out too well and as it went on, I kind of just went with the flow. Took multiple month-long hiatuses from writing it, and the final production was still shitty because I was too lazy to really think about what I was typing down and just saying “Fuck it” when I was done. 
          After I begrudgingly finished it just to get it over with, I’ve taken the time to re-read my own story and from a reader’s point of view, a lot of it makes sense. I didn’t fully explain some plot points and then there were some I forgot to flesh out and carry on entirely. 
          I am happy that it’s the first story I’ve ever completed and that it’s gotten over 90k reads as of today, but aside from that I really don’t feel any satisfaction. I’m not proud of it at all.
          With all of that being said and after not only re-reading Black Heart, but re-watching the anime and doing some research, I’ve found some motivation to begin re-writing the story a little bit. I’m going to continue publishing old chapters from the Sinnoh Shitshow, but my priority right now is rewriting my atrocity of what is called fan fiction. When will the changes be published? I’m not sure. It’ll take a while for me to fully edit all 38 chapters, but before the end of the year is a good estimate. 


@Mewteezus Alright. I'll be looking forward to seeing the edited version lol


It’s been… 6 months. Damn. 
          For those who may have been wondering, I am alive. Not well per se, but I’m still kicking so that counts for something.
          A lot has happened over the last 6 months, but none of that has really attributed to my absence here. I got bored, for a lack of a better term. Decided to go outside more,  get some different hobbies, and a new job. It’s had mixed results, but I’m satisfied. 
          The story I was working on earlier in the Winter got scrapped. Then I re-writ it, then postponed it as I had idea for… something else. When that’s coming out? Tomorrow, or later today given it’s nearly 4 AM at the time I’m typing this out. I’ll also have a update on my writing schedule later too, but I need some sleep first. 


Here we are, the last month of the year. It feels like October and November went by in a flash. Soon enough, the end of this month will be here and a new year will start. 
          I’m glad to say that I also have been feeling quite motivated and inspired to write lately, which is why I’m proud to announce that I’ll be publishing something new later this month. It’s something that I should’ve put out a while ago honestly, but I didn’t get any inspiration to continue it until now. 
          What’s it about? Well… I won’t spoil it yet. I think I’ll wait until I’m ready to publish it. Be ready for that.