
So after forever , The first chapter of a Dawn of an End is up! I hope you all enjoy it, this is actually the story I've been working on for three years so please tell me what you think. I also apologize for not updating like I would like to. I just and working somethings out first then I will post the already written chapters I have XD
          	See you all next time~


So after forever , The first chapter of a Dawn of an End is up! I hope you all enjoy it, this is actually the story I've been working on for three years so please tell me what you think. I also apologize for not updating like I would like to. I just and working somethings out first then I will post the already written chapters I have XD
          See you all next time~


Hey my lovelies. So i know ive been a bit bad at updating. Which as some of you know is really not like me at all. But tomorrow is my 18th birthday and once thats all done abd over i plan to get back on track and updating as i normally would so just bare with me. I love you all and see you next time!~


Hei my darling readers, so some of you have pointed out the mistakes in my stories. I just wanted to apologize because I write purely on my phone so my spell check just kinda changes things when I don't notice. So once again I apologize and hopefully you understand, thank you So much! Love ya and see ya next time~


Hei my darling followers and non-followers. Thank you for taking the time to read this, I just wanted to let you all know that (hopefully) tomorrow, me and my little sister @FoxesandHumans we are posting a story collaboration. Using her romance influence and my horror, we are bringing to you the original story "Is this what love is really like?" We do so hope you take the time to check it out and enjoy it. Thank you do much, and see ya next time!~


@FoxesandHumans And I don't care. If they have a problem, They can deal with me. You are more important and you need sleep now go. 


@Mettalise_The_Author Fine..I'm okay now..I told you that..But I have to write ...I have lots of books that people are bugging me to update..'wince' "But I might sleep now..


@FoxesandHumans Then go to sleep. and stop over working yourself


Hey guys. My god am I horrible at getting back in track. I suck, a lot. and I have like five or six stories that Im working on, so, what my plan is is that: Week 1; update Love and War, My Sins, and my new ones, Cinderella contract from Hell, The Dawn Of An End, Don't Let Me Be Forgotten, and I have no tittle for my last one yet......yeah....... . and then take off the next week and start again. that way I have plenty of time so make sure every thing is what it is. okay.....So Yes. If I do not please let me know, I don't care how I just need to know. So thank you guys and I will see ya soon!


So, In finally back~ Still unpacking a bit but, ya know. So the first chapter of "My Sins Unleashed" Has been released and I will start the production of the 4th chapter of love and war tomorrow as well as reviewing the last three. Thank you so much for reading, see you all next time!


Hey guys, Im so sorry that I didn't update my story yet. Normally I like to update daily but I am currently moving which is also why the chapters I do post are rather small in my opinion. So in a few days after Im finished and settled a little I will get back on my regular schedule. Also, thank you again for the love you have shown to my original piece. The moment I get back, the first chapter of "My Sin Unleashed" Shall be released so you can look forward to that. Again, thank you all so much for everything~ 
          See ya soon!


@Mettalise_The_Author  ' Sigh' Its okay..." Hugs' Relax...And Breath O.o DO IT NOW!" O.o


            Your moving? Its okay not to update when your moving! XD


Hello everyone. I was get letting everyone know that I am so great full for the love everyone has shown to my original story. It means so much to me that anyone one would even pay attention other then my sister. Whom I would like to thank for being the inspiration for my story. So thank you so much. And a heads up! Two more stories are about to join in! Both chapter stories and rather long so be prepared. Watch out for "My Sins Unleashed" debuting in a day or two. Again, thank you so much and I will see you all soon!


@Mettalise_The_Author  You are very welcome Sis, It means the world that you would even consider me. It means the world, You are very talented and gifted. Your stories are must reads and I am looking forward to your other ones.. :)