
this message may be offensive
First off thank you so fucking much for 200k reads! I really didn't think my story would be popular but obviously I was wrong. I also wanted to let you know I'll do a like 10000 word chapter for yall as thanks. In the mean time though I am fixing up the old chapters so I'll make a post everyone I update a chapter. LOVE YOU XOXO


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First off thank you so fucking much for 200k reads! I really didn't think my story would be popular but obviously I was wrong. I also wanted to let you know I'll do a like 10000 word chapter for yall as thanks. In the mean time though I am fixing up the old chapters so I'll make a post everyone I update a chapter. LOVE YOU XOXO


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Hey guys so just in case you didn't see the notification I fixed my first chapter so it went from 1000 words to almost 5000. I hope you enjoy and I'm sorry you had to read the previously written shit. Love Yall