
hey just wanted to apologise for the lack of fics. this year has just… it hasn’t been great for me. a lot has happened and i haven’t had the inspiration to write for a while now. kinda like a really long writer block i guess? and i don’t want to force myself to write cause then it’s just going to end up bad and i’ll hate it so yeah. just thought i’d give a little update


hey just wanted to apologise for the lack of fics. this year has just… it hasn’t been great for me. a lot has happened and i haven’t had the inspiration to write for a while now. kinda like a really long writer block i guess? and i don’t want to force myself to write cause then it’s just going to end up bad and i’ll hate it so yeah. just thought i’d give a little update


vld s5 destroyed me. i now have no idea what to do with myself. also chapter 5 for a beginning, a middle, an end is up. go check it out!!!


@Queen_of_the_Snows honestly those are probably the only things that annoyed me this season. other than that everything that happened with shiro, lance, pidge, lotor and allura left me shook.


@MelonBiskitQueen Too short only 6 seasons not enough Keith and ugh with that damn cliff hanger.