
Hey everyone! Go check out canonfireguild! We're back! We have a new intro for you to check out and also hope to host some competitions and RP with others!!! Hope to see yall there!!!


IDK if anyone is reading my Fairy Tail mating season fic I'm writing right now but I had an idea. Small spoilers for the chapter 12, Gray uses his devil slayer magic to take someone out and I think that I'm going to have Gray feel the effects of The Season as well and here's why it took so long for him to feel the effects. (I will explain this in the fic.)Gray hadn't used his Devil slayer magic in a while so the slayer in him basicly became dormant but since he had to use it to defeat someone, it brought it to the surface so...he will also be getting a mate, just like the dragon slayers, I hope y'all like this idea because I'm really excited! I'll have chapter 12 updated by midnight my time. (It's 3:47 PM for me). Hope y'all enjoy!


While waiting on a job to call me back, I got into aatching miraculous ladybug and now I have an amazing and super cute idea for a fic! I was wondering if any of my followers like this show and would read it??? Warning, it will be a little dark. I know it's a kid's show, but dark is my specialty! Plus, I' not a kid so...anyways...anyone intrested??? If I get even one reply, I'll give a smeak peak of the middle of the story! (If yall want.) I've kinda already wrote a scene for the middle. LMAO


I’ve seen it yes and literally have a roleplay of that. I even updated my OC design from 2022 to now. Darkness is your specialty I love it. @MelodyRenslow I wanna see it. Plus my dms don’t work atm it’s weird 


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It's only day 3 and I'm already tired of being unemployed. This shit serisouly sucks, my mental health doesn't like it either. I love having the time to write but I hate being stuck in the house, my fiance leaves at 2 and doesn't get home till 11 during the week, sucks being alone for that long every day :(


@Kettle_Queen_Rei thanks :), i'll def take u up on that offer.