
i won a medal
          	i made tattoos 
          	i became a head for an event in school
          	i met the best person i couldve ever met
          	i am happy
          	but somehow i feel like it leads nowhere 
          	doesn't it all have some meaning? what's the purpose of my existence?
          	meh. who da fuk cares.
          	as long as its fun .


i won a medal
          i made tattoos 
          i became a head for an event in school
          i met the best person i couldve ever met
          i am happy
          but somehow i feel like it leads nowhere 
          doesn't it all have some meaning? what's the purpose of my existence?
          meh. who da fuk cares.
          as long as its fun .


oh my god I'm so inconsistent! I am v.srry for not updating, something unexpected happened to pop up(I don't care about that) and my pre paid internet plan ran out, I have like 4mbs left so dis is the best I can do at the moment, I'm so sorry, promise to update as soon as I recharge.


hey, @Demoniti and @Sorry_Im_Fangirling, I'll update psycho ghoul twice as much after tomorrow cause my exams end tomorrow, yay! so maybe I'll write 2 chapters in one day from after 2morrow so yeah, well bye!


@Demoniti thanks thats really nice of u, plus I feel the same but about TG :re lol, I hope I get good grades too(*gulps and pulls collar to let air in*)


@MelloDragonAr Thank you :333 I cant wait because this story is sooo  good :)) And also I wish u a very good grades from ur exams c: Bye