
Tenure is going to take a long time to get up o-o". I'm only about half way through the first chapter.. upwards of 2500 words right now. Bajesus. Halp me.


I've finished the story for you. All the fifteen thousand of you that apparently read this story. It's not the best ending, but it was written on a whim, and ties the entire thing together. Maybe there'll be a sequel floating around out there. An epilogue at most should my mind wish it. Until next time, enjoy. 


So after a long hiatus I've just uploaded the first part of a book I would seriously like to finish, Tenure. 
          This story is an original one that is heavily based off my real life, so.. as only a sophomore it will take me at LEAST three years to complete. 
          For now we have the prologue, an introduction to the main character (me) Carmen. There will be at least eight other chapters. One chapter for each year and a second corresponding to the first two days of each year.
          The story is written both like a narrative and a memoir. And sporadic intervals future Carmen- the nineteen year old who's writing the story within this narrative-  pops in with italics and reminisces about the way she used to be with valid comparisons and maybe some funny banter. 
          I know that a lot of the people who came here came here for Undertale fanfiction, and I'm sorry about that, but as a writer I don't have fun writing Undertale fanfictions anymore. I do, however, draw Undertale fanart on occasion. If you want me to post that here for those of you who may or may not want it, you're free to ask but as for writing I'm sticking to my passion work. I love you, peeps. 


Huh, a hundred followers. I dun deserve it, jeez. I can't even keep up with my most loved book (which I'm tryin' to get back to, don't ya worry). Thank you so much, it means a lot that so many people like my writing, despite the fact that I'm sure most of you are here for the fan work as opposed to my original stories. I'm glad ya enjoy my weirdness, all hundred of ya, and thank you for your support. ^^


@MeliciousMunchkin you do deserve the followers! <3
            You deserve thousands, darling. Stay awesome!