
Freaking dead here, but I managed to finish the first book of the Spark in Darkness series. Took it down to edit it, and at first I wanted to just wanted to make some simple adjustments, but after some thoughts I decided to undergo some more major edits. The story will mostly be similar, but the characters and settings will have some differences


Freaking dead here, but I managed to finish the first book of the Spark in Darkness series. Took it down to edit it, and at first I wanted to just wanted to make some simple adjustments, but after some thoughts I decided to undergo some more major edits. The story will mostly be similar, but the characters and settings will have some differences


Ok to all those who are wondering when my udate will be, I don't know. I'm having troubles writing and with my studies, so I guesd I won't be updating anytime soon. Sorry about that, but I'm still alive and kicking.


@MebiusBrave  Aww, I'm so disappointed. :(. (So disappointed that in fact, sooner or later, you won't be alive and kicking anymore...)


Another update on Spark in Darkness! It's quite fast this time, I think. Or it isn't? 
          I'm thinking the chapters are really short, it's 15 chapters into the story and I ain't even near a quarter of the story. I won't mind writing a lot of chapters, I'm just worries it's a turn off for readers.


I'm really busy with school, exams, tests, whatnot, so yeah, won't be updating as frequently, but I'll try my vest to catch up with the stories and post new chapters, but don't get your hopes up. :/


@MebiusBrave  My hope is soaring through the roof right now. If there's one thing that can't fall its hope! But, if it brings you too high, the ground will hurt when you fall....
                -Proverb that I just made up.
                P.S: Update! Update! UPDATE!!! (no pressure) :)