
Hey! Sorry there haven’t been any fics out lately. I just got a job and I’m loving it so far so I’m a little busy. Once I get used to it and get on a schedule I’ll be able to write a lot more so it may be a while longer, but I do have some ideas I’ve been putting down so hopefully new stuff within the next month or so. Thanks for being so patient! I hope y’all are having a safe and fun summer!


Hey! Sorry there haven’t been any fics out lately. I just got a job and I’m loving it so far so I’m a little busy. Once I get used to it and get on a schedule I’ll be able to write a lot more so it may be a while longer, but I do have some ideas I’ve been putting down so hopefully new stuff within the next month or so. Thanks for being so patient! I hope y’all are having a safe and fun summer!


I went to the beach today to get some pics! I did get a few Polaroids to share with ya’ll but I gotta write and edit some fics real fast so I can post them. Lol. I just got really excited and had such a fun time taking pictures I had to share. You’re all gonna love them. I know it. Got some writing to do! See you soon!


Hey everyone! Fics have been very slow right now and I’m so sorry! I’ve been super busy lately and hopefully (fingers crossed) will have a job soon. With all the chaos and running around I haven’t found much time or motivation to sit down and write. But things seem to maybe be calming down soon and I will hopefully have some fresh ideas and inspiration. I’ll keep everyone posted and may have some short drabbles I can post for the time being. Thanks so much for reading and supporting my work! I hope everyone is doing great and enjoying spring! (Spring pics to come!)


Happy Lesbian day of visibility!!!️‍
          Lesbians, I see you, you are valid, I am one of you, date me maybe?
          I am out with friends currently but I will definitely post tonight in celebration!! Keep an eye out and have a fantastic evening/day!!


Damn. This was suppose to have a pride flag and simp emoji but I guess those don’t translate here. Sorry. Lol


Hello everyone! So, I’ve been working on a bunch of my half finished fics and I noticed that some of them are extremely short. So short that I might consider them drabbles (basically super short stories) I’m debating wether I should post them on my current oneshot book or make a completely different book for them. I’m not sure exactly how short a drabble would have to be to be put in a different book so it may be easier to just put them all together. What do you think? Would you like me to just add them into the current book or make another one? That would just mean some very short stories here and there. I probably wouldn’t post them alone that way you’d have more reading material so they would basically be a bonus chapter when I post if I were to keep them in the current book. (Hope this all makes sense. Lol)


I just wanted to say that I love all your stories and that your an amazing writer :)


Oh my gosh. Thank you! That means so much to me! I’m really glad you enjoy them!


I have great news, I don’t have Covid! I got my test results back today and I’m so relieved. The unfortunate part is that my asthma appears to be getting worse because I pretty much had a three day long asthma attack. But I’ll be okay and I’m gonna figure it out. A new fic will be posted tomorrow. I worked on it while I was quarantined in my room and it’s honestly one of my favorites. I laughed pretty hard while writing it (which wasn’t great for my lungs but oh well) anyway. It’s super late so I’m gonna go to bed now. Hope you have a great night/day!


@MaxsPolaroids I’m so glad you don’t have Covid! Also, I hope that asthma thing gets better.


Hey readers! So, bad news. I may have Covid. I’ve been experiencing symptoms and am not feeling great. I wanted to let everyone know because I probably won’t be posting for a little. I’m hoping I’ll have the energy to write as a way to pass the time (which could mean more posts instead) but I also have Asthma so the chances of that are kind of low. I’ll keep everyone posted and as much as this is a scary situation I’m hoping I’ll be able to explain what Covid is like to those who haven’t experienced it and possibly help people out that way. Also who knows I may have some fever dream fanfic ideas which are kind of the best ideas. If not weird. Anyway, wish me luck! I hope everyone else is staying safe.


@MaxsPolaroids Great. I’m rooting for you.


Thanks! I’m waiting on test results but I’m starting to feel a little better.


That’s not good. I really hope you get better soon. I’m here if you ever need me.