
New chapter of ‘impiety’ is out now!


The urge to direct my own short film or show is growing very large as of recently


I felt that in my bones omll


@clawingatthepage oh no I’m not actually gonna do it lol, I always just think about it. Tbh there’s a large part of me rn that’s debating on if I wanna continue my degree in psychology or if I want to jump to a film major instead. I guess we will see!


@MattsCherryTart ngl i'd watch it! if your uni has like a film society or something, i'm sure you can rope some ppl looking for acting experience! <3
            but as a law student, i highly recommend getting all your copyright licensing and stuff done first loool


Okay guys, I have a lil idea that I need your help deciding if I should continue it and make it into a story. 
          This will be an AU story (alternate universe) in which a girl named Summer Stevens enheartens a bookstore from her grandmother who recently passed. The thing about Summer though is that despite the fact she grew up around many people in her life who loved to read--she absolutely despises it. The idea of curling up with a book has never crossed her mind and truly, she doesn't think it ever will. 
          Until she meets Matt Murdock.
          Matt Murdock is a quiet and rather introverted author who lives just down the street from Summer, and after confessing her feelings (aka, her hatred for books) Matt decides to challenge daring Summer. One dare for one book. She dares him to do something that gets him out of his comfort zone, and he gives her a book to read. Each dare though, has to do with something related to the book. 
          I'm still coming up with a name for the book but that's the general idea, lmk what you think and if I should continue it or scrap the idea completely


@clawingatthepage this is seriously amazing, thank you!!!!!


@MattsCherryTart ooooohhh lol oops!!  Okay so
            - Unreadable
            - Epeolatry (means the worship of  words)
            - Bound (cos books are bound and, love story is bound to happen lol)
            - Unabridged 
            - 'the bookmark' would've been awesome if his name was mark lol
            -  Provocation (sounds kinky tho)
            This is why I don't write book titles professionally lol


@clawingatthepage ooooh I love this!!! The only thing I should throw out there is that this is an alternate universe one where Matt isn’t daredevil if that makes sense. So I don’t wanna give peoples hopes up lol


The newest chapter of ‘Impiety’ is now out <3


@MattsCherryTart AAAAA *snaps fingers  violently in praise*


@clawingatthepage or perhaps the last cherry tart lol


@MattsCherryTart yayayayyay! I've been savouring reading this like it's my last peanut butter chocolate chip cookie 