
this message may be offensive
I still remember a dream where... Uhhh... My dad... Well, jerking himself and I watch him... And then... He fuck me... I still remember that dream, for so long long long time, Like... Maybe, 1 month? Oh shit- I don't know why my embarrassing moment or dream always stays on my mind but other than that was not, Like- What the future-


this message may be offensive
I still remember a dream where... Uhhh... My dad... Well, jerking himself and I watch him... And then... He fuck me... I still remember that dream, for so long long long time, Like... Maybe, 1 month? Oh shit- I don't know why my embarrassing moment or dream always stays on my mind but other than that was not, Like- What the future-


It's been 4 years since I'm downloading this app ^^


@LokiIsHandsome he's gone, Aku udah ganti nama karakter nya, Tapi tenang aja, Klyn lagi didalam es :D


@ LokiIsHandsome  klyn... where are u?


Hari ini ujian praktek IPS *Skull emoji* kemarin lupa beli Kertas Manila (Baru dibeliin jam setengah delapan), Buat Peta ASEAN dari jam setengah delapan sampai setengah sembilan, Sekarang, Jam setengah lima sampai sekarang, Nebelin peta ASEAN, Bikin bendera ASEAN *Skull Emoji*
          Sakit kali punggung ku *Skull emoji*