
Hey, guys. It's been a long time . How are you all doing? Do you mind suggesting good storylines? Or perhaps new story ideas? I was planning on making new stories—and If you'd like, I'm thinking of updating STAY soon.  


@MattChoding omg HI I don't have any suggestions cause I bet you'd make an awesome one and I hope you can update Stay soon but whenever you feel like it of course ^-^


Hey, guys. It's been a long time . How are you all doing? Do you mind suggesting good storylines? Or perhaps new story ideas? I was planning on making new stories—and If you'd like, I'm thinking of updating STAY soon.  


@MattChoding omg HI I don't have any suggestions cause I bet you'd make an awesome one and I hope you can update Stay soon but whenever you feel like it of course ^-^