
Is anyone able to answer my previous message about the OHSHC Fanfic if y’all know the one I’m talking about?


Okay, so I have a quick question. Does anyone remember a Ouran High School Host Club Fanfic named “Stumbled”? It was on Wattpad. It was by this profile/person nicknamed KawaiiSodium3105 (idk if those are the numbers or if they’re in the right order) and it had this main character named Aerin. I just remember it had like 5-10 chapters and that it was out around 2017 but idk if it still exists anymore or if the title or author’s profile name has changed. I just want to know if maybe anyone else who may have also read that a long time ago and maybe knows what might’ve happened to it?


Thank you for the follow! My name is Vera Lisle and it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.


Hey, it’s nice to talk to you and also a pleasure to make your acquaintance, and yes my inspired from Yona of the Dawn thanks to my friend’s recommendation!


Also, is your name an inspiration from Akatsuki no Yona/Yona of the Dawn?