
this message may be offensive
I said life kept throwing more and more shit at me, and here we are now. No more updates for a while, probably a long while. My younger brother passed away yesterday. He hadn't even hit 20 years old... I miss him so much. I'm in excruciating pain and heartbreak. Please tell me when it's supposed to get better and easier 


@MaskedDragon533 I'm sorry to here for your loss. I hope your doing okat?


@MaskedDragon533 I'm so sorry. I can't imagine what you're going through rn. I hope someone is there to give you hugs when you want/need them. Please remember to try and take care of yourself too. Grieving takes a lot out of a person.


@MaskedDragon533 im so sorry for the news, friend ❤️ i wish i can give you a hug in person. *virtual hugs instead* It's okay to let your heart and mind grieve a little, it's only natural for current & future healing. Time will eventually heal what hurts and what's broken, no matter how long it takes. I have every faith in you that you will be okay and hope that things will get better eventually ❤️


Hey! I wish you all the love with the lose you have faced, I just had a question. Are you eventually going to write about the other cars movies as well? Now I will leave you to be with your family and friends I hope you get all the support you need


this message may be offensive
I said life kept throwing more and more shit at me, and here we are now. No more updates for a while, probably a long while. My younger brother passed away yesterday. He hadn't even hit 20 years old... I miss him so much. I'm in excruciating pain and heartbreak. Please tell me when it's supposed to get better and easier 


@MaskedDragon533 I'm sorry to here for your loss. I hope your doing okat?


@MaskedDragon533 I'm so sorry. I can't imagine what you're going through rn. I hope someone is there to give you hugs when you want/need them. Please remember to try and take care of yourself too. Grieving takes a lot out of a person.


@MaskedDragon533 im so sorry for the news, friend ❤️ i wish i can give you a hug in person. *virtual hugs instead* It's okay to let your heart and mind grieve a little, it's only natural for current & future healing. Time will eventually heal what hurts and what's broken, no matter how long it takes. I have every faith in you that you will be okay and hope that things will get better eventually ❤️


Still gonna be a wait on the McQueen book. Life just keeps handing me lemons. My kitty had a very unexpected surgery yesterday and the recovery plan and steps are VERY intensive. I can barely sleep or get time to myself right now (I don't mind it through, it's just the truth of the matter because she needs to be supervised and I will do anything for her). And by the time she's about recovered I'm going on vacation for like a week anyway. Sorry about the lack of updates but life just keeps pushing and isn't giving me a single break. :(


Hope your cat feels better, Masked!


Take all the time you need! I hope your kitty gets better!


          Are you finishing the lightning McQueen story anytime soon?? It's a really great plot 


@MaskedDragon533 oh snaps! I wasn't expecting you to reply but thank you. Thanks for the update. All of that aside, I hope your resting well, staying hydrated ( please drink your water ) and eating at least 1 proper meal each day. I know life has been hectic ASF  so I completely understand. I'll always check back in general to see how you're doing. Even though I don't know you at all aside from this book, I'm a fan and I'll stop asking. ✨ 


I'll continue when I can. I'm stretched too far thin right now with my final project and work. The busy season ends shortly after Memorial Day so hopefully I'll start to have more free time (and also more energy)


I second this <3 No pressure tho author! AT ALL. We're just wondering the estimate time :3


Soooo Wattpad is removing DMs on May 6th??? So stupid. DMs were a safe place to have conversations with authors imo, as well as ask questions or provide feedback that you may not have felt comfortable posting publicly on someone's announcement board (where everyone can see and reply/comment). Wattpad staff strikes (out) again!


@LuckyCat22216  bro i wish petitons worked to be honest. sometimes they do but this is a famous multi millionare company. they wouldn't care :( but if they do change their mind I hope they keep themmmm.


@MaskedDragon533 bro that sucks :(( I use that so I can go and ask for their IG or anything to send a fanart..


@MaskedDragon533 If you want the link I have it. It's already at 4,600 signatures! \o/