
Sorry, I meant to type 24.


@ChocoloverJAY Oh honey, Im 23. Lol. But thank you for saying I looked young. A friends daughter did mybhairbamd makeup because she was bored. Lol. She is 17 so that explainswhy I look like that.


@MaryLahr haha well, at least when you're older you won't look it! Best to look younger, lol that would explain a lot.  Well you look beautiful, kudos to your friends daughter! My sister does artist make-up, though not as a job :)


@ChocoloverJAY not a problem. Gotta do something with all this free time. No job equals a lot of time. But I also have a 4yr old so dont be too hard on me if im late on getting them back to ya.


@MaryLahr haha wow a four year old, I thought you were young! You look so young! Well I'm glad to have you, I honestly needed that book edited, and my editor (very recent one at that. We decided a few days ago) at the moment is going through some stuff. Thanks again love!