
Hey guys I’m not gone for good. Had an issue with my laptop charger and couldn’t use my computer for a while after it died on me. I’m back now so I’ll be getting new content out as soon as possible. Continue to like, comment, follow, and tell your friends about it if you like.


Hey guys I’m not gone for good. Had an issue with my laptop charger and couldn’t use my computer for a while after it died on me. I’m back now so I’ll be getting new content out as soon as possible. Continue to like, comment, follow, and tell your friends about it if you like.


Thanks to everyone who has read my story so far. Thanks for you comments and votes. Thanks to everyone who has followed me. It means a lot. I was initially very scared to post my story because I worried what I thought was good, would never get read. You guys have shown me differently. Please continue to read,comment, and vote. Also, please tell others about it if you like it. Thank you again  ~Cyd