
Hey, thank you for reading The Downside to Perfection! I hope you're enjoying it so far :)
          - Jessy


@Marmpal Ahh, thank you <3 This makes me really happy. I hope you'll enjoy the rest too! 


@ originalverbivore  it took me some time to start it!!! lol,. It seems really interesting!!!! The descriptions are very reslistic....it is like  living it.... So far congratulations!!!! 
            - Maria


Thanks for the votes and thank you for the unofficial feedback, haha. Hopefully I'll make it to the Good read list someday 


@ Misstitcha  oh no don't be sorry! It's totally fine, we all have our preferences!Thank you for telling me why :) 
            (And I can relate on the crying part... Hahaha) 


@ Misstitcha  ohhhh...now i feel bad for not putting it in the the good list. I didn't think you would see it.i really liked the story!!!! But i am more into stories that bring a great amount of tears in my eyes!!!!! My husband always laughs at me because i like crying when reading books..... He says that i am crazy!!!!!! Hahahaha. And i answer him" of course i am crazy. If i was sane i wouldn't have married you!!!!!" Hahahaha.... 
            I really liked the story though!!!! Keep going!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!! 