
This is her imaginary friend Stella and Estela wants you to know that she love you all to her heart that she doesn’t need the rude people bringing her down. All she needs is help from her real friends that supported her there please tell her you love her back. When she talk to her therapist they might need to send her to a place where she can get help she might not be on here for a while.


Alright, I'm gonna explain things. Mario_Meatbal is unactive until I get some more Email...I don't have anymore and that's just trash. I tried making a fake one. Failed. So, you won't really be able to do anything on this. They can talk (Using my account) so if you have any questions or junk like that, GO IN THE ASK- If you have any questions, (Some you don't wanna ask in the ask book because idk why) then we'll answer them using my account for now. UwU have a nice morning/day/night! 
          - Meatbal