
All my followers and fellow Creepypasta's! It's my BIRTHDAY today! I turned 17 and it feels weird! It's like an awkward stage between Adult hood and teenager!  
          	That's all I have for now! Oh and I will update soon! 
          	Peace ✌ 


So EVERYONE is telling me to update my "Forever With the Slender Brothers" book and yes I am working on it don't worry lol. I just really care about school and grades and I get stressed a lot and since I want to go to Writing College then I need to try extra hard. But I am working on it, don't worry. It means a lot to me that SO many people care about my book, so thank you all and I will try to update the page as soon and fast as I can. 
          Hope everyone is having a good school year so far 
          Peace ✌ 


Hello everyone, like I said in my last post on "Forever with the Slender Brothers", I was very busy with school and trying to keep my grades up and what not. But never fear, I am here, (lol I made a rhyme) and I will be here writing as much as possible. So if you didn't get to, or didn't want to, read my last story post then here you are. You are up to date now :). And since you guys are so nice *gives out sweets* there you go my slaves and proxies >:) 


Hello all my followers. I just wanted to say when I started writing my two main books "Forever With the Slender Brothers" and Creepypasta boyfriend scenarios" I thought I wouldn't get much likes votes comments and stuff, but now I see it and I see Comments that say 
          "please continue"
          "love your story"
          "this is awsome, please continue"
          and it makes me feel so great and getting votes and followers make me so happy. I got this app to do my small writings like boyfriend scenarios and stuff and now I'm glad I got it because I can see how many people love my writing. Thank you guys for bringing up my spirits and the ones who post comments and votes and likes and just reads my stories for fun! I love all of ya'll my proxies! Stay awsome! *brofist*