
Next chapter of “Stranger’s Kiss” will be out either tomorrow or Monday!!


hello ignore my profile pic its my moms and i just wanted to say i really lov strangers kiss and i know you just updated it but im really excited for the next chapter and was wondering when more chapters will be out and bc im really excited for it


@livinglovely34 hello, my darling!! I'm so glad you're enjoying my book, and I've already started working on the next chapter. If all goes well, and life doesn't get too busy, I hope to have the next chapter out by Friday. 
            Once again, I am so glad that you're enjoying my book. It's supportive readers like you that give me the motivation to do what I do. Xx


New chapter for “Stranger’s Kiss” coming out tomorrow!! I sincerely apologize for the delay, little darlings. I hope you find it within your hearts to forgive me for any broken promises I might have made along the line. Promises are sacred to me and, truth be told, I was not in the correct headspace for anything, let alone promises. 
          I am well and truly FINALLY getting my life back on track. 
          New chapter tomorrow, I PROMISE!
          Margo Xx


I don’t know why, but the universe is out to get me. First my dog died, then one of my favorite teachers had a heart attack at school and died, my coworker’s father died on Sunday, and now my best friend’s grandfather has been diagnosed with terminal cancer and the doctors only gave him 6 months to live… My world is crumbling, my soul has been splintered and my life is in shambles. 
          I’m so sorry that I’ve been absent, my lovely little humans. 
          I will update as soon as I am able.
          Margo Xx


My best friend, my bubby, my goodest boy, Tank, crossed the rainbow bridge tonight. He had a mass on his liver that caused some internal bleeding… He passed in my arms at the vet. He was so very loved and he was wagging his tail all the way up until his last breath. 
          Please be patient with me during this time.
          Love you all so very much. Xx