
Hi Everyone! I republished the "Love In the Dark" a jirose ff. that I originally published way back 2020.
          	A few chapter is now available. By the way if you noticed changes it's because I edited a few parts of the story. 
          	I hope this time around I would make this story work and be able to finish it too... That's all thanks! Lavlots! ❤


Hi Everyone! I republished the "Love In the Dark" a jirose ff. that I originally published way back 2020.
          A few chapter is now available. By the way if you noticed changes it's because I edited a few parts of the story. 
          I hope this time around I would make this story work and be able to finish it too... That's all thanks! Lavlots! ❤


Hi guys! I just want to inform you all that I might not be able to update HEARTBEAT and TWC#3 any time soon because of some matters going on in my life but don't worry I'll try to do it in my free time. Have a nice day! take care you'all.


When will u...... Post heartbeat 12 chapter.... Unnie..... Please post it fastly.... I'm waiting for it.... ❤


@Margathots it's okay unnie....saranghae....


@RASHMITALIMA  hi! I'm sorry but I can't promise to update any time soon because of some matters going on in our home right now. But of course I'll try. And by the way thank you for supporting and reading my story specially that you are still waiting even when I update really slow.