
Ok so I picked out women you guys want spider man to be with 
          	So soon some it will come and I heard some wanted some that I already used to be used again 
          	Like wonder women,susan(I think those are the most popular)so yea that will be the last time I say which other women spider man should be with then after that finish some story’s up


@MarcRios6 marvel since Hercules and other Greek gods are in the marvel verse although she doesn’t really have any images 


@JetGameZer0 is that Marvel or dc


Ok so I picked out women you guys want spider man to be with 
          So soon some it will come and I heard some wanted some that I already used to be used again 
          Like wonder women,susan(I think those are the most popular)so yea that will be the last time I say which other women spider man should be with then after that finish some story’s up


@MarcRios6 marvel since Hercules and other Greek gods are in the marvel verse although she doesn’t really have any images 


@JetGameZer0 is that Marvel or dc


It saddens me to hear Ben potter aka comicstorian pass away he was involved in an tragic accident 
          He was one of my favorite comics telling narrators that got me into loving comics when I didn’t have enough money to buy my own I would watch his story’s 
          It’s thanks to him that he got me inspiration to write story’s 
          And it’s also a eye opening how something tragic can happen in a blink of an eye
          All I can to my fans is to go enjoy the time you have with your family who cares if it’s small or big you never know when you might see them again and know what great life can be with people 
          Thanks comicstorian for the comic 


@MarcRios6 May he rest in peace.


So who’s is spider man missing to date 
          I feel like I’m missing someone who can make it fun 
          Still thinking 
          Marvel and dc 


@MarcRios6 caitlin snow version of killer frost


skrull queen? a story were his female students meet his younger self and “manipulate” him into loving him? pepper potts? blackfire and/or jinx from teen titans? peter doing a marty mcfly but instead of ruining his parents meeting like back to the future he does a whole Philip J. Fry with a YOUNG (teen) aunt may? jlu cheetah? or how about peter being batman and catwoman’s kid BUT is in or trying to get with black cat who is ACTUALLY Selina’s LONG LOST DAUGHTER! *gasp* young harley but its from the 2004 the batman? or you could do a whole secret fan club for spiderman completely made of tsundere’s featuring hawkeye (comic) as a member. 


Ok so here’s a real question which story do you want to see to the end 
          I’ll publish one on Friday and maybe Saturday and Sunday so we can finish it 


@MarcRios6 the new leader or Spider-man and the x-men 


Marvel reacts to stories 


So what happened this week I didn’t have any internet 
          Which sucks cause I was bored out of my mind but couldn’t upload 
          But now I’m back 
          So what’s to do and I did make some new story


@MarcRios6 Let just say Ultimate spiderman 2024 after fighting the maker he got teleport in other universe which is 616 and end up replace the 616 spiderman?


@MathewRafaelAmper spider man goes to 2024 and has a harem there?


@MarcRios6 Imagine Ultimate spiderman 2024 will stole peter harem in 616