
I am sorry if I can't update for a while. I have a bunch of state test and big test coming up right now and I am stressed and not sure if I am able to update. This also goes for all of my stories.


I JUST WITTNESED A TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE AND IT WAS THE BEST THING EVER!!!! I have some pictures and videos that I will put in some if my stories.


@Mangoandcutie OMG, congrats.
            For muslims its actually scary, since animals are also scared of solar eclipses. But on the night of Hari Raya Aidilfitri, I plan on seeing the moon. Its amazing to look at!!!


Hello! I am currently on spring break and I have some personal issues going g on with school, my fam, and one of my friends. I will not be able to update as much while I work these problems out but I hope you guys have a wonderful spring and happy Easter if you celebrate it!