
Hey all, 
          	I've not been updating lately, I usually try to get at least one chapter of something out every few days, and its been about a week, which isn't that long objectively, but it has been a very tough time for me lately. 
          	I've been struggling a lot with some stressful things in my life, and I haven't had a ton of time to sit down and write. I'm pretty sure I've been having panic attacks? I'm not sure and I feel sort of overwhelmed and numb at the same time, its very weird lol, and pretty scary. I've been trying to work up courage to talk to my counsellor about it (or anyone really) but its always been hard for me to feel like its okay for me to talk about it, so this is already a huge step haha! 
          	Anyways, I wanted to pop on and say I might need a few more days, but ill try and get some work done in whichever story I can. I'm really sorry about the sudden hiatus! 
          	thanks all <3


@Mak-and-Cheese that's great. Not the parent bit, but the talking about it bit. I really hope you feel better soon :)


@TheresaRansomwood  you are too amazingly sweet! I have a counsellor appointment coming up and im planning to talk about it, but this really helps. it also doens't help when your own parent is invalidating you lol. but thank you <3


@Mak-and-Cheese all good. You don't have to feel any pressure about updating any time soon if you're not up to it, in the end prioritizing your mental health is always important. I sometimes get panic attacks too, and some things that help me is the 54321 method, and trying to rationalize my emotions. I understand that you have no idea who I am, but my pms are always available if you ever need to talk to someone about it without having to worry about them ratting you out, if that's one of the things stopping you from asking for help from people.


Hey all, 
          I've not been updating lately, I usually try to get at least one chapter of something out every few days, and its been about a week, which isn't that long objectively, but it has been a very tough time for me lately. 
          I've been struggling a lot with some stressful things in my life, and I haven't had a ton of time to sit down and write. I'm pretty sure I've been having panic attacks? I'm not sure and I feel sort of overwhelmed and numb at the same time, its very weird lol, and pretty scary. I've been trying to work up courage to talk to my counsellor about it (or anyone really) but its always been hard for me to feel like its okay for me to talk about it, so this is already a huge step haha! 
          Anyways, I wanted to pop on and say I might need a few more days, but ill try and get some work done in whichever story I can. I'm really sorry about the sudden hiatus! 
          thanks all <3


@Mak-and-Cheese that's great. Not the parent bit, but the talking about it bit. I really hope you feel better soon :)


@TheresaRansomwood  you are too amazingly sweet! I have a counsellor appointment coming up and im planning to talk about it, but this really helps. it also doens't help when your own parent is invalidating you lol. but thank you <3


@Mak-and-Cheese all good. You don't have to feel any pressure about updating any time soon if you're not up to it, in the end prioritizing your mental health is always important. I sometimes get panic attacks too, and some things that help me is the 54321 method, and trying to rationalize my emotions. I understand that you have no idea who I am, but my pms are always available if you ever need to talk to someone about it without having to worry about them ratting you out, if that's one of the things stopping you from asking for help from people.


guys guys guys 
          everyone hold up 
          nobody move 
          i have a thing to speak 
          i am writing a new avengers fic and i need to know whether i should start posting it or not because i am swamped with stuff lately and i know this is not a healthy coping mechanism and i should probably be like sleeping or drinking water or something but like
          this is more fun 
          so should i start updating it??? I only have like two chapters written but man do i have plans


@Mak-and-Cheese You should start writing it, and make it clear that there is no update schedule, and that people should expect for it to maybe be put on hiatus for unknown amounts of time (unless you know, you don't wanna do that ig, it's ur book)


Hey everyone, 
          I know ive been MIA for a bit and im sorry. I had some really devastating things going on in my personal life and had to close my account due to those reasons. I have not stopped writing, as it one of my greatest pleasures in life. 
          I will be extremely busy for next few years, likely, as some big changes are happening and I will be starting Uni next fall. 
          Please understand that while this doesn't mean I will stop updating, the updates will become more inconsistent. This means there could be no new chapters for a month, or there could be seven new chapters in a month. I will be releasing chapters as I write them, but I will only be writing when I'm 'in the mood' so I'm sorry for the lack of schedule but it's also what's best for me and my health right now.
          I also ask that you please not private message me, because I will not answer private messages. I still encourage comments, as I love reading and replying to those, and you are welcome to comment on my account page too but please know that I won't be answering personal questions. 
          These are the boundaries I have set to keep my personal life and my life here separate from one another, so please respect them. I don't want to have to block anyone, but I will if my requests are not being followed. 
          Thank you so much for all your patience (ahem frustration ahem) with me while I have been figuring things out. I'm happy to be back!