
Just a thank you to all 255 followers!! I thank you all for all the support you have given me throughout my time here on Wattpad. Without all of you, I wouldn't be where I am today. Thank you my many followers and friends!!


Just a thank you to all 255 followers!! I thank you all for all the support you have given me throughout my time here on Wattpad. Without all of you, I wouldn't be where I am today. Thank you my many followers and friends!!


Thank you for the follow! Also, one thing, I believe that this conspicuous 'god' exists, I just don't believe he should be praised for doing what he did.


@Captain_Violet keep believing that, you can do what you wanna. I respect your outlook on the world, I may not agree, but I do respect it. Good day.


@Captain_Violet The only reason there is so much evil in the world is because the Devil is trying to drag everyone from a faith in God. Everyday Christians are being persecuted for their faith in Jesus Christ, but they are not afraid of death because they know that God is awaiting them in Heaven. However, things will just get worse from here because Satan knows that he has lost the war, so he is doing everything to make you think that you don't need God, you can do anything you want, and that there is no consequences for your actions.


Then I'd rather counterargue that he would never let so much evil enter the world if he was actually watching over us. Homophobes, serial killers, whoever you may be bad, why would they exist.