
HAPPY HALLOWEEEEK! The first chapter of the sequel to gangsta has just been posted! Enjoy! 


I love the finale of gangsta! I really wish you could make a sequel of it. Lucy now 16 and dealing with the fact that her parents are not only alive but the Joker and Harley Quinn! It would be so amazing please


A sequel MIGHT be in the works, but it won’t be for a while. I have a lot going on and I don’t want to leave you guys months without updates like I was doing with gangsta, it just isn’t fair to the readers. 


Hey everyone. I just posted a chapter to gangsta! I’m both saddened, and thrilled to say the stories only has one more chapter left, and I’m almost finished with it. I think it’s had it’s time, and it’s ready to be completed. I thank all of you for the constant support and patience through my months of not updating


I love this so much!! When I got the notification that a new chapter was made today, I was just so happy!!


Yeah it's tough! 


@loyalxxita yeah i understand so much, school is such a pain too! Im trying to write a story but school takes too much time.


Thank you! I know I'm so far behind on updates, school and life are just kicking my ass! I'm glad you love the story! Your support means a lot!


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Holy shit guys, gangsta hit 30K reads. I'm honestly blown away. I'll type another chapter today for you guys, it's the least I can do. Thank you all for the incredible support on the story!