
I jsust remembered a funny conversation I had
          	Ok, so for context me my brother and his friend were playing a game (I forgot what game but ik it was a game)
          	Brothers friend : *does something either silly or evil*
          	My brother : Punish him!! (talking to me about his friend)
          	Me : What am I supposed to do? Put him on a leash?
          	Brothers friend : Yes please m- wait your'e a minor


I jsust remembered a funny conversation I had
          Ok, so for context me my brother and his friend were playing a game (I forgot what game but ik it was a game)
          Brothers friend : *does something either silly or evil*
          My brother : Punish him!! (talking to me about his friend)
          Me : What am I supposed to do? Put him on a leash?
          Brothers friend : Yes please m- wait your'e a minor


i was playing a game and a random person ran up to me and started speaking spanish :'] I tried to tell tjem i dont speak spanish by saying "no habla espanol" (thats all my spanish knowledge) did i say the right thing..? Cause they just continued to speak to me in spanish and i had no idea what they were saying (except the "hola senorita")