Hello and welcome to my page where I'm yet to publish tons of content I've been working on for a while. 

About my writing...
Rock'N'Roll, hard rock and heavy metal are the real inspiration behind my works. Anger, depression, anxiety and the all so familiar human emotions dragging us down into a pit of darkness, are what motivate me to tackle obstacles into Happilies.

About me...
*I am a misanthrope, well fond of individuals who make Earth a better place.

*I am compassionate and empathetic to the point I often find myself wide awake, contemplating the meaning of life. I haven't found it so far.

*Face to face, I like to present myself as an outgoing optimist with lots of love to share, when in reality I'm often too cynical and spiteful for my own good.

*I don't judge and I don't point fingers. I hold a lot of hatred, but never project it towards anybody, because I chose to live kindly and guilt-free.

*I preach nothing and I choose to believe in what's perceivable, yet I truly believe in karma and them "almighty" aliens.

*I am a living paradox, who often gets tangled in contradicting ideologies. But hey! I am only human after all.

*I love animals and I'm always ready to support the rights they aren't given. In my opinion, speciesism is the cruelest form of ignorance and discrimination, but unfortunately it is also the most common one. I am guilty of being a speciesist, for I see humanity as a big fat burden to this universe.

I probably made myself sound like a bitter old man, but I promise my work is written with genuine and good intentions. I hope I can somehow encourage people to look past the mediocre way of thinking, and open their souls to a world where being a dreamer builds one into more than just another brick in the wall.

Peace and good vibes,

Maggie S.
IG: maggie.s.does
  • JoinedNovember 12, 2017