
this message may be offensive
          	Fuck... I've no solid reason behind my sudden disappearance from Wattpad- other than I've truly had no time to write trying to juggle school, work, & life on the daily. 
          	However, I've been working on some screenplays that a few coworkers have advised me to pursue further, and eventually sell. 
          	If you're interested in some writing that steps into a more serious arena, let me know. I'd admire the feedback & could get back to making some updates. 
          	||Wishing you all the best, my loves. 
          	C.C. Clayton||


this message may be offensive
          Fuck... I've no solid reason behind my sudden disappearance from Wattpad- other than I've truly had no time to write trying to juggle school, work, & life on the daily. 
          However, I've been working on some screenplays that a few coworkers have advised me to pursue further, and eventually sell. 
          If you're interested in some writing that steps into a more serious arena, let me know. I'd admire the feedback & could get back to making some updates. 
          ||Wishing you all the best, my loves. 
          C.C. Clayton||


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@MadsMikkelsen oh my fucking GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD I can't EVEN!!!! Was Christoph Waltz there?!? What did your pic look like? And omfg I am SO JEALOUS YOU MET QUENTIN TARANTINO!!!!!!! -pterodactyl screeching-


LOL Yeah, unfortunately Christoph wasn't there; not sure if there was an emergency or if something popped-up last minute, but they didn't say a word about it. But omfg, Quentin & Sam are the absolute best. Took as many pics as I could of the event, but when I talked with Quentin I was so caught up within the surreality of the moment that I completely forgot to ask for a photo. But honestly, it was one of those moments where all you could do was just experience it in the flesh. @Amani-Ishikawa


---As the celebration continued, Sam & Quentin took their turns talking about the outstanding honor, and then wrapped everything up for a few press pictures before making their way out. BUT- as soon as Quentin was finished with the media and about to say his final goodbyes- DESPITE the various signs & hectic wave that guaranteed I'd never even get within reaching distance of my life-long idol... He stopped... AGAIN!!!!... And walked directly to me. He extended his hand for me to shake it, as I introduced myself, PERSONALLY. I told him about my dreams to one day follow in his footsteps and how much he'd meant to me all my life. And he just smiled, and talked with me, and told me how happy he was to meet me. I gave him a framed copy of the "Hollywood Trinity" picture that I'd made, and he LAUGHED SO DAMN HARD AND SAID (I quote) "THIS IS SO FRICKN' AWESOME!". He showed Sam, and held it up for people to take pictures! Then he asked if he could sign something for me, and I handed over my most beloved collector's Pulp Fiction book for him to bless with a sharpie. Of course, immediately after that, people trampled through to get Quentin to sign more things, so he autographed a couple posters for the people next to me, waved goodbye one last time, and left. 
          And you guys... it was honestly and truthfully the greatest day of my life. And I'm still working on processing the fact that all of this actually happened.


Yesterday was... My goodness, yesterday was life changing. I was one of the first to arrive in preparation of Quentin Tarantino's Hollywood Star ceremony today, and I waited a good 5 hours until Quentin & Sam finally made their grand appearance. Disappointed that the area was covered in signs that stated no autographs were to be given due to safety & schedule regulations, I basked in the fact that I was, at the very least, able to see my idol in the flesh. As the ceremony began, hundreds of fans & press shouted Quentin's name; asking him for photo opportunities & the possibility of autographs. He remained unfazed by by the chaos around him and prepared for the ceremony's start. As far as I was from him, I couldn't help but shout out; hoping with all my might that he'd at least hear my voice tell him that he'd inspired to write & become a filmmaker, and that he'd been my life-long hero. In an instant, he turned from what he was doing, smiled, and waved to me as he said "Thank you". Yet, as if this mere moment of blessed bliss weren't enough, once the ceremony began, an announcer went through Quentin's many accomplishments and commented on the excitement his fans had for his wide array of cinematic masterpieces. And as the area roared with excitement and I smiled with unaltered joy, Quentin turned AGAIN, pointed DIRECTLY AT ME, and smiled with the most pure, heartwarming appreciation for me. (Seriously, at this moment I was so overwhelmed with the surreality of it all that I began to tear-up.) ---