
Hold on World we're gonna get through this together!  Next book on the works coming soon


So it looks like I have been tagged...
          10 facts, tagged by @Kerriimlay 
          Nickname - Mady
          Eye Color -  Brown
          Hair Color - Brown
          One Fact About Me - I have problems trusting people, creating shells to protect myself. 
          Favorite Color - Scarlet Red
          Favorite Place - The Beach (i like the sounds of the sea)
          Favorite Celebrity - damn only one? idk maybe... Ellen Degeneres I love her personality.
          Favorite Animal - Wolf
          Favorite Song - (right now) Bang Bang - Jessie J, Ariana Grande, Nicki Minaj 
          Favorite Book - Marked by PC Cast and Kristin Cast (my life changed cause of it)
          I tag: my sweet BFF <3  @PinkBarbieGirl